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6th International Schools of Latvia Rapid Tournament DEUTSCHE INTERNATIONALE SCHULE RIGAPosledná aktualizácia 21.10.2024 15:20:36, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | pohlavie | Typ | Klub |
1 | I | Shomin, Dmytro | 34119531 | UKR | 1592 | | U12 | DEUTSCHE SCHULE RIGA |
2 | II | Zusans, Reinis | 11646845 | LAT | 1591 | | U12 | JD CHESS CLUB |
3 | II | Skadins, Norberts | 11643536 | LAT | 1514 | | U14 | JD CHESS CLUB |
4 | II | Vilde, Haralds | 11644311 | LAT | 1486 | | U14 | JD CHESS CLUB |
5 | II | Skudra, Peteris | 11643579 | LAT | 1454 | | U16 | JD CHESS CLUB |
6 | III | Zalite, Viktorija Amina | 11642645 | LAT | 1427 | w | U10 | JD CHESS CLUB |
7 | II | Kaptjugs, Arsenijs | 11624256 | LAT | 0 | | U16 | King's College Latvia |
8 | III | Babics, Daniils | 11635878 | LAT | 0 | | U10 | JD CHESS CLUB |
9 | III | Babics, Leons | 11635886 | LAT | 0 | | U10 | JD CHESS CLUB |
10 | III | Baklanovs, Kirils | 11646950 | LAT | 0 | | U10 | JD CHESS CLUB |
11 | III | Le, Eric Bao Chau | 11638524 | LAT | 0 | | U10 | DEUTSCHE SCHULE RIGA |
12 | III | Netunahina, Amelija | 11647868 | LAT | 0 | w | U12 | JD CHESS CLUB |
13 | III | Pushkevich, Anfisa | 11640480 | LAT | 0 | w | U12 | Lycée français international Jules |
14 | III | Tokers, Deniz | 11647230 | LAT | 0 | | U16 | Lycée français international Jules |
15 | IV | Aress, Arturs Olivers | 11647256 | LAT | 0 | | U10 | JD CHESS CLUB |
16 | IV | Laurinovics, Davis | 11645210 | LAT | 0 | | U12 | JD CHESS CLUB |
17 | IV | Slapins, Roberts | 11648732 | LAT | 0 | | U12 | JD CHESS CLUB |
18 | IV | Volkops, Marcis | 11651210 | LAT | 0 | | U12 | JD CHESS CLUB |
19 | | Yudzin, Aliaksei | 11650931 | LAT | 0 | | U08 | DEUTSCHE SCHULE RIGA |
20 | | Ostrovskiy, Mikhail | 11625961 | LAT | 0 | | U14 | DEUTSCHE SCHULE RIGA |